![Maximilian Overbeck Overbeck Max](https://smart.huji.ac.il/sites/default/files/styles/190_250/public/smartinstitute/files/overbeck_max.jpg?m=1715742698&itok=LCBdST2q)
I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My research is situated at the intersection of Political Science, Communication, and Computational Social Science, with a special interest in political behavior, collective identities, media analysis, agenda setting, and religion.
I currently work as a post-doctoral researcher in the PROFECI project, developing its algorithmic strategy for tracing and studying the complexity of political projections within diverse multilingual text corpora.
Research Interests
- Political Behavior
- Computational Text Analysis
- Quantitative Research Methods
- Collective Identities
- Media Analysis
- Agenda Setting
- Religion and Politics
Selected Publications (10-15)
Overbeck, M., Aharoni, T., Baden, C., Freedman, M., & Tenenboim Weinblatt, K. (2024, in press). Divining Elections: Religious Citizens’ Political Projections and Electoral Turnout in Israel and France. International Journal of Public Opinion Research.
Overbeck, M., Baden, C., Aharoni, T., Amit-Danhi, E., & Tenenboim Weinblatt, K. (2023). Beyond sentiment: An algorithmic strategy for identifying evaluations within large text corpora. Communication Methods and Measures, 10.1080/19312458.2023.2285783.
Aharoni, T., Amit-Danhi, E., Overbeck, M., Baden, C., & Tenenboim Weinblatt, K. (2023). “You’d be Right to Indulge Some Skepticism”: Trust-building Strategies in Future-oriented News Discourse. Journalism Studies, 24(13), 1651–1671.
Baden, C., Boxman-Shabtai, L., Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., Overbeck, M., & Aharoni, T. (2023). Meaning multiplicity and valid disagreement in textual measurement: A plea for a revised notion of reliability. Studies in Communication and Media, 12(4/2023), 305–326.
Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., Baden, C., Aharoni, T., & Overbeck, M. (2022). Affective forecasting in elections: A socio-communicative perspective. Human Communication Research, 48(4), 553–566.
Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., Baden, C., Aharoni, T., & Overbeck, M. (2022). Persistent Optimism under Political Uncertainty. In M. Shamir & G. Rahat, The Elections in Israel, 2019–2021 (1st ed., pp. 163–189). Routledge.
Aharoni, T., Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., Baden, C., Overbeck &, M. (2022). Dynamics of (dis)trust between the news media and their audience: The case of the April 2019 Israeli exit polls. Journalism, 23(2), 337–353.
Overbeck, M. (2021). Die Rückkehr der Religion in die politische Öffentlichkeit: Religiöse Frames in westlichen Mediendebatten über bewaffnete Konflikte nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges (1990-2012). In Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag / Reihe Politikwissenschaften: Vol. Band 95. Tectum (Published Dissertation Monography).
Kantner, C., & Overbeck, M. (2020). Exploring Soft Concepts with Hard Corpus-Analytic Methods. In N. Reiter, A. Pichler, & J. Kuhn (Eds.), Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse: Interdisziplinäre Arbeiten in der Creta-Werkstatt (pp. 169–190). De Gruyter.
Kantner, C., & Overbeck, M. (2018). Die Analyse „weicher” Konzepte mit „harten” korpusanalytischen Methoden. In A. Blätte, J. Behnke, K.-U. Schnapp, & C. Wagemann (Eds.), Computational Social Science (pp. 163–190). Nomos.
Overbeck, M. (2016). Die Rückkehr der Religion in die politische Öffentlichkeit? In M. Lemke & G. Wiedemann (Eds.), Text Mining in den Sozialwissenschaften: Grundlagen und Anwendungen zwischen qualitativer und quantitativer Diskursanalyse (pp. 343–367). Springer.
Kantner, C., & Overbeck, M. (2016). Religiöse Identitäten als Diskursblocker. In I.-J. Werkner & O. Hidalgo (Eds.), Religiöse Identitäten in politischen Konflikten (pp. 173–191). Springer.
Overbeck, M. (2015). Observers turning into participants: Shifting perspectives on religion and armed conflict in Western news coverage. The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville, 36(2), 95-124.
Tietz, U., Kantner, C., & Overbeck, M. (2015). Multiple collective identities: The emergence of a new field of research in the social sciences. Introduction. The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville,, 36(2), 23–26.
Overbeck, M. (2014). European debates during the Libya crisis of 2011: Shared identity, divergent action. European Security, 23, 583-600.