Theoretical interests
My theoretical interests include: subjectivity, s/tex(t)uality, matter and different forms of their interaction; image in the wide sense and specifically cinematographic image; notions of time and space; post-structuralism and ecosophy from a post-structuralist angle; psychoanalysis (J. Lacan); the phenomena of creative act, writing and reading. Key thinkers: Jacques Lacan, Jean Baudrillard, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, George Bataille, Hélène Cixous.
PhD in Communication and Journalism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
film theory (Gilles Deleuze, Andrei Tarkovsky)
psychoanalytic theory (Jacques Lacan, Félix Guattari, Bracha L. Ettinger)
poststructuralist philosophy (Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jean Baudrillard, Timothy Morton, Reza Negarestani)
PhD Dissertation: “The Econtology of Cinema: Subjectivity, Text and Reading. From Matter to Sinthomaton”.
Supervisor: Prof. Raya Morag.
- Dushi, N. & Rodin, I. (equal contributors) [2019]. Amour and Love: On the Invention of the Concept of Love in Cinema. InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal of Visual Culture. http://ivc.lib.rochester.edu/amour-and-love-on-the-invention-of-the-concept-of-love-in-cinema/
- Dushi, N. & Rodin, I. (equal contributors) [2019]. Self-Recreation through the Uncanny Encounter: Reading the Feminine Close-up in Cinema. In A. Piotrowska & B. Tyrer (Eds.), Psychoanalysis and Femininity. Routledge.
- Ettinger, B. L. (2010/2017). Communicaring: Reflection around Hiroshima mon amour. Lacanalia (Russian Psychoanalytic Online Journal), 24 (originally in PostGender: Gender, Sexuality and Performativity in Japanese Culture, A. Zohar [Ed.]), translated into Russian by I. Rodin, 75-83.
- Ettinger, B. L. (2006/2016). The Heimlich. Lacanalia (Russian Psychoanalytic Online Journal), 22 (originally in “The Matrixial Borderspace”, 2006), translated into Russian by I. Rodin, 159-162 (2016).
- Ettinger, B. L. (2014/2016). Dora’s Dream. Lacanalia (Russian Psychoanalytic Online Journal), 21 (originally a paper presented at Vox Femina Music Festival in Tel Aviv), translated into Russian by I. Rodin, 3-7.
Topic: Pastorality as Encounter with the Real: Against the Escapism of Contemplation.
Venue: Birkbeck, University of London, Bloomsbury, London. International Conference on Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies (2018).
Topic: Tactility as Subjectivization / Material Resistance as Event
Venue: Academic Center for Natural Sciences, Latvian University, Riga, Latvia. First Baltic Conference on the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences (2018).
Topic: Theorization as a Creative Act: A Contingent Thinker Paradigm.
Venue: Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. UnDisciplined 2018 (2018).
Topic: The Fifth Discourse: Subjectivity as Encounter with the Sinister-Embracing Nature.
Venue: The Silesian Museum, Katowice, Poland. In collaboration with the Institute of Romance Languages and Translations Studies (University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland). Vulnerabilities (2017).
Topic: Amour and Love: On the Invention of the Concept of Love in Cinema (together with Dr. Nava Dushi, Lynn University, USA).
Venue: Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. The Eleventh Tel Aviv International Colloquium on Cinema and Television Studies. Strangers to Ourselves: "Enemies from Within" and the Moving Image (2016).
Topic: Self-Recreation through the Uncanny Encounter: Reading the Feminine Close-up in Cinema (together with Dr. Nava Dushi, Lynn University, USA).
Venue: The Maritime Culture Centre of the National Maritime Museum, Gdansk, Poland. In collaboration with the Nordic Summer University and the Nordic Council of Ministers. Psychoanalysis in Our Time 2016: Psychoanalysis and Femininity (2016).
Topic: The Matrixial Perspective: Death as a Resolution of the Oedipal Complex in “The Return” (2003) of Andrey Zvyagintsev.
Venue: The Smart Family Institute of Communication, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. Documentary Truth: Re-thinking the Politics of the Index (2014).
Annual Seminars at Lacanian Network, The Freudian Field Institute, under the auspices of University of Paris VIII, The Dept. of Psychoanalysis (2013-2016).
MA in Communication and Journalism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010-2013).
BA in Communication and Journalism / East Asian Studies (Japanese Studies), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2007-2010).