I joined the Department of Communication and Journalism and the Program in Cultural Studies in 2020, after returning from a post-doctoral stay at the The Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) of the Bauhaus-University, Weimar Germany. I completed my doctoral research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2018.
I study the relations between media technologies and culture, concentrating on the role that technical apparatuses play in shaping the conditions for a range of social phenomena in traditional media as well as contemporary digital culture. Combining cultural critique with historical and theoretical analysis, I explore how language and media influence ideological, political, economic and cultural processes such as the construction of linguistic and national identity.
Research Intersts
Language, technology, and society
Algorithmic culture and machine learning
Media spaces – museums, archives libraries
Human-machine interaction
Selected Publications
Articles in Refereed Journals
Ramati. (2014). “Between Israel and Germany: Therapeutic Return to the Place of Trauma in Contemporary Israeli Cinema,” New German Critique 41(3), 123: 179–197.
Ramati and A. Pinchevski. (2017). “Uniform Multilingualism: A Media Genealogy of Google Translate,” New Media & Society 20(7): 2550–2565.
Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444817726951 -
Ramati. (2019). “The Orientalized Phonograph: The Mechanical Recording of Oral Jewish Tradition,” Cultural Critique 102: 61-89.
Ramati. (2020). “Media in the Dissemination of Land-of-Israel Songs,” Studies in Contemporary Jewry 31: Textual Transmission in Contemporary Jewish Cultures (theme issue), 137-151.
- Ramati. (2021). Aleph-bet, dits-and-dahs, zeros and ones: representing Hebrew in character code. Internet Histories, 1-18.
- Ramati. (2021). Thumbs up and down: The cultural technique of thumb-typing. Convergence, 13548565211047165.
Book Chapters
Ramati. (2015). “Walk on Water: Returning to Germany as Cultural Healing,” in: Cinematic Home-comings: Exile and Return in Transnational Cinema, ed. Rebecca Prime. London: Continuum. pp. 209–226.
Other Publications
Ramati. (2008). “Eretz Moledet: An Analysis of the Second Aliyah Myth in the TV Series,” Slil: An Online Journal for History, Cinema and Television 1: 10-25 (in Hebrew). Available at: http://www.hum.huji.ac.il/units.php?cat=2927
Ramati. (2011). “Images in Transformation: Representations of Germany and Germans in Contemporary Israeli Fiction Cinema,” Working Papers Series, European Forum at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2010-11), 40 pp.
Available at: http://www.ef.huji.ac.il/publications/working.shtml
Awards and Prizes
2021 Golda Meir Fellowship Award
The Smart Institute research grant.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Minerva Stiftung.
The Hebrew University President’s Scholarship for Outstanding PhD Students.
The Smart Family Institute of Communications Research Grant.