I am an associate professor at the Department of Communication and Journalism and the Smart Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, affiliated also with the Hebrew University's Center for Interdisciplinary Data Science Research (CIDR). My research focuses on the collaborative construction of meaning in dynamic, political public debates. Specifically, I study processes of contestation and the renegotiation of shared meanings, as well as those cultural and discursive resonance processes that render specific ideas intuitively plausible and account for their enduring, sometimes resilient presence in public discourse and contribute to political polarization and hostility. My publications have contributed to theory and methodology in research on framing, discourse dynamics, and the social and psychological process of sense making, consensus and contestation in a political public sphere. My methodological work combines techniques of qualitative discourse analysis and frame analysis with network-analytic perspectives and contemporary strategies for the automated processing of large-scale discourse. I operate the JAmCAT platform for automated text analysis, and I am a member of the European research infrastructure project OPTED "Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies", as well as the PROFECI project team on “Mediating the Future: The Social Dynamics of Public Projections”. I am also a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Communication, Communication Methods & Measures, Digital Journalism and Computational Communication Research.
Research Interests
Dynamics in public discourse
Contestation, Protest & Political conflict
Viewpoint Diversity
Alternative Facts & Conspiracy Theories
Computational/multi-methodological text analysis
Multilingual text analysis
Selected Publications
Baden, C., & Sharon, T. (2021). Blinded by the lies? Toward an integrated definition of conspiracy theories. Communication Theory, 31 (1), 82-106.
Baden, C., & Stalpouskaya, K. (2020). Maintenance of news frames: How US, British and Russian news made sense of unfolding events in the Syrian chemical weapons crisis. Journalism Studies, 21 (16), 2305-2325.
Baden, C., Kligler-Vilenchik, N., & Yarchi, M. (2020). Hybrid content analysis: Toward a strategy for the theory-driven, computer-assisted classification of large text corpora. Communication Methods & Measures, 14 (3), 165-183.
Yarchi, M., Baden, C., & Kligler-Vilenchik, N. (2020). Political polarization on the digital sphere: A cross-platform, over-time analysis of interactional, positional, and affective polarization on social media. Political Communication.
Baden, C. (2019). Framing the news. In K. W. - Jorgensen & T. Hanitzsch (Ed.), The Handbook of Journalism Studies (2nd ed., pp. 229-245). Routledge.
Baden, C., & David, Y. (2018). On Resonance: A study of culture-dependent reinterpretations of extremist violence in Israeli media discourse. Media, Culture & Society, 40 (4), 514-534.
Baden, C. (2018). Reconstructing frames from intertextual news discourse: A semantic network approach to news framing analysis. In P. D'Angelo (Ed.), Doing news framing analysis II: Empirical and theoretical perspectives (pp. 3-26). London, Routledge.
Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K. (2018). Viewpoint, Testimony, Action: How journalists reposition source frames within news frames. Journalism Studies, 19 (1), 143-161 . Routledge.
David, C. C., & Baden, C. (2017). Frame Analysis. In J. Matthes (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods.
Baden, C., & Springer, N. (2017). Conceptualizing viewpoint diversity in news discourse. Journalism, 18 (2), 176-194 .
Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K. (2017). Convergent news? A longitudinal study of similarity and dissimilarity in the domestic and global coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Journal of Communication, 67 (1), 1-25.
Geise, S., & Baden, C. (2015). Putting the image back into the frame: Modeling the linkage between visual communication and frame-processing theory. Communication Theory , 25, 46–69.
Motta, G., & Baden, C. (2013). Evolutionary factor analysis of the dynamics of frames: Introducing a method for analyzing high-dimensional semantic data with time-changing structure. Communication Methods and Measures, 7, 48–82 .
Baden, C. (2010). Communication, contextualization & cognition: Patterns & processes of frames' influence on people's interpretations of the EU constitution. Eburon.
Awards and Prizes
ICA Top Reviewer (2020; and Top Reviewer for ICA Political Communication Division 2020, 2019, 2018; for ICA Journalism Studies Division 2018)
ICA Top Poster Award 2019, 2017
Honorable Mention for the Communication Methods & Measures “Article of the Year” 2014