Academic Background
- 2010: Ph.D. at the Department of Communication and Journalism, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Advisors: Prof. Menahem Blondheim & Prof. Elihu Katz &.
- Title of Dissertation: "Connected: Isolated Spaces in the Era of Mobile Phone".
- 2005-2008: M.A. with honors in Communication, thesis supervised by Prof. Ifat Maoz on the subject of "The Broadcasting of Interviews with Terrorists and Their Acceptance by Youth in Israel", the Hebrew University.
- 2004: Supplementary studies towards an M.A. degree in the Department of Communication and Journalism, the Hebrew University.
- 2003: Studies in the Screenwriting Track of the Ma'aleh School of Television, Film and the Arts.
- 2002-2003: B.A. in Education, Sha'anan Teachers College, Haifa, Oral Law and the Bible Tracks.
- 200-2002: Studies for "Senior Teacher" certificate, Lifshits Teachers College.
- Rosenbreg, H. & Rashi, T. (in press). Pashkevillim in Campaigns against New Media: What CanPashkevillim Accomplish that Newspapers Cannot? In: H. Campbell (Ed.), Digital Judaism. London: Routledge.
- Rosenberg, H. (in press). Backpacking Experience and the Mobile Phone. Media Frames, 13. (in Hebrew)
- Kohn, A. & Rosenberg, H. (2013)."Collapsing walls and the question of commemoration: Graffiti in the Israeli Withdrawal, August 2005".Social Semiotics, 23(2), 606-631.
- Rosenberg, H. & Maoz, I (2012). “Meeting the Enemy: The Reception of a Television Interview with a Female Palestinian Terrorist among Jewish Youth in Israel". The Communication Review, 15(1), 45-71.
- Rosenberg, H. & Kohn, A. (2012). "'I feel comfortable speaking with you softly': New Media & Stutters". Media Frames, 9, 29-68. (in Hebrew).
- Rosenberg, H. & Maoz (2011). An encounter with the enemy: The reception of a television interview with a terrorist by Hawkish Jewish-Israeli adolescents. Media Frames, 6, 89-117. (in Hebrew).
- Kohn, A. & Rosenberg, H (2009)."'Talking to the walls': Graffiti and reveres Graffiti in Gush Katif".Megamot, 46, 109-136. (in Hebrew).
Publications (Under Review)
- Asterhan, C. & Rosenberg, H. (under review). Secondary School Teacher-Student Communication in Facebook: Potentials and Pitfalls. (under review at Computer & Education).
- Rosenberg, H. & Kohn, A. (under review).Temptations of Fluency and dilemmas of self definition: stutterers' usage and avoidance of new media technologies. (under review at New Media & Society).
Fellowships, Research Grants and Awards
- 2010-2014 The Hebrew University, The President's Program Fellowship for outstanding doctoral students
- 2013 Mofet Institute Research Grant:"Secondary School Teacher-Student Communication in Facebook: Potentials and Pitfalls (With Asterhan, C.)
- 2013 Pedagogical Research Foundation - Research grant: "Mobile phones in school: Technological threats and educational implications" (30,000NIS)
- 2013 The Smart Institute Scholarship, research grant for doctoral students at Hebrew University
- 2012 The Israel Foundations Trustees (Ford Foundation) - research grant: "'What Missing My Cellular Means'? – Experiencing the absence of the mobile phone" (For outstanding doctoral students)
- 2012 Excellence scholarship in memory of Prof. Brenda Dent, The Smart Instiute
- 2010-2011 The Hebrew University, The Department of Communication Fellowship for outstanding doctoral students at Hebrew University
- 2011 The Hebrew University, The Levi Eshkol Institute for Social, Economic and Political Research in Israel Fellowship for outstanding doctoral students at Hebrew University
- 2007 Department of Communication and Journalism, Outstanding seminar prize
- 2007 YadOra Fund,- research grant: "The Broadcasting of Interviews with Terrorists and Their Acceptance by Youth in Israel"
Papers Presented in Conferences
- “Dumbphone in my hand, Smartphone in my pocket”: The ultra-Orthodox case of the digital divide. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 64st Annual Conference, Seattle, USA.
- The Mobile Phone and the Backpacking Experience in India. Paper presented at the International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, and Tourism (HLST), New-Delhi, India, February 6-8.
- "'What Missing My Cellular Means'? – Experiencing the absence of the mobile phone". Paper presentation at the Israel Communication Association, Netania College, April, 10.
- The Writing on the Collapsing Walls: "Reversed Graffiti" in the Israeli Withdrawal, August 2005 (With Kohn, A.). Paper presented at the International Communication Association 63st Annual Conference, London, England.
- "Rabbi: approve my friendship!".Rabies, Communities and Facebook. Paper presented at The 1stConference of New Media & Religion, Ariel University.
- Secondary School Teacher-Student Communication in Facebook: Potentials and Pitfalls (with Asterhan, C). Paper presented at The 8th Chais Conference for Innovation in Learning Technologies, The Open University, Tel-Aviv.
- "Empire and Communication in Time & Space: An Innisian Reading of the Biblical Book of Esther" (with Blondheim, M. & Katz, E.). Paper presented at The 14th Jerusalem Conference in Canadian Studies, Jerusalem.
- Meeting the Enemy”: The Reception of a Television Interview With a Female Palestinian Terrorist Among Hawkish Jewish Youth in Israel (with Maoz, I.), Paper presented at the International Communication Association 62st Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 24-28.
- The Compassion Paradox in Asymmetrical Conflict: Responses to a Mediated Encounter With the Enemy, (with Maoz, I.), Paper presented at the International Communication Association 62st Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 24-28.
- 'Kosher Cell-phone and air-conditioners kahalach': Advertising in the Ultra-Orthodox Mass Media. The 40th annual conference of the Israeli Sociologists Society (ISS), the College for Administration, 2009.
- The Writing on (the Collapsing) Walls: Graffiti of the Israeli Withdrawal", August 2005. The 12thconference of The International Sociological Association (ISA), Barcelona, Spain.
- Commodification Processes and Advertising in the Ultra-Orthodox Sector. The Israel Communication Association, The College of Management-Academic Studies, Rishon LeZion, Israel.
- Graffiti and Reversed Graffiti in Gush-Ktif. The 39th annual conference of the Israeli Sociologists Society (ISS), Tel-Aviv University, Israel.