Prof. Nicholas John is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Journalism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Originally from England, where I studied Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge University. My research interests include technology and society, the Internet, new media, Web 2.0 and sharing.
I am the author of the book, The Age of Sharing, published by polity. This book offers an innovative approach to sharing in social media, specifically by linking it to sharing in other social spheres, namely, consumption and intimate interpersonal relations. My more recent work looks at online tie breaking – unfriending, blocking, and the like. I teach BA and MA courses about the complex interrelations between technology and society.
I am the Vice President (and President-Elect) of the Association of Internet Researchers.
Research Interests
- New media
- Digital Culture
- Online Tie Breaking
- Sharing
Selected publications
Aysha Agbarya & Nicholas John (2021) Online tie and content management and changing religious identity among Muslim Arab women in Israel, Information, Communication & Society,
John, N., & Agbarya, A. (2021). Punching up or turning away? Palestinians unfriending Jewish Israelis on Facebook. New Media & Society, 23(5), 1063–1079.
Zhao, Luolin & Nicholas A. John. 2020. “The concept of ‘sharing’ in Chinese social media: Origins, transformations and implications.” Information, Communication & Society. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1791216
Sharon, Tzlil, and Nicholas A. John. 2019. “Imagining an ideal podcast listener,” Popular Communication, 17:4, 333-347.
John, Nicholas A. 2019. “Social media bullshit: What we don’t know about facebook.com/peace and why we should care,” Social Media + Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305119829863
Bitman, Nomy, and Nicholas A. John. 2019. “Deaf and hard of hearing smartphone users: Intersectionality and the penetration of ableist communication norms,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 24:2, 56–72.
John, Nicholas A., and Asaf Nissenbaum. 2019. “An agnotological analysis of APIs: Or, disconnectivity and the ideological limits of our knowledge of social media,” The Information Society, 35:1, 1-12.
John, Nicholas A., and Noam Gal. 2018. “‘He’s Got His Own Sea’: Political Facebook Unfriending in The Personal Public Sphere,” International Journal of Communication, 12:0, 2971–2988.
Sharon, Tzlil, and Nicholas A. John. 2018. “Unpacking (the) Secret: Anonymous social media and the impossibility of networked anonymity,” New Media and Society, 20:11, 4177–4194.
John, Nicholas A. 2016. The Age of Sharing. Cambridge: Polity Press.
John, Nicholas A., and Shira Dvir Gvirsman. 2015. “‘I don’t Like you any more’: Facebook unfriending by Israelis during the Israel-Gaza conflict of 2014,” Journal of Communication, 65:6, 953-974.
John, Nicholas A. 2013. “The social logics of sharing.” The Communication Review. 16:3, 113-131.
John, Nicholas A. 2013. “Sharing and Web 2.0: The emergence of a keyword.” New Media & Society, 15:2, 167-182.
Awards and Prizes
The Age of Sharing won the:
Nancy Baym Book Award, 2017
Best Book, Israel Communication Association, 2017
Winner, Outstanding Book Award, Popular Communication Division, International Communication Association, 2018.